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Friday, June 4, 2010

Corrected Blog entry

Wah Wah, I wake up crying saying, "Mommy I don't want to go to school!" My evil Mommy picked me up and threw me into my clothes. When she dragged me down the stairs, I smelled my favourite breakfast...... pancakes with maple syrup. After breakfast I hugged my Mommy then she gave me a peanut butter sandwich. Then I got really mad again. Then I needed to go to the washroom really badly. So I ran to the the bathroom but by the time I got there it came out all over the floor. Mommy got really mad and shouted at me like an evil witch. By the time I got to school I was five minutes late. When me and my Mommy got to the room I got scared because everybody was looking at me. The teacher came up to me and said " hello my name is Mrs.Green", I laughed because she was fat. As the day went on I beat everybody in arm wrestling. Then lunch came and I found that Mommy gave me chocolate chip cookies, this made me really happy but a big old meanie came over and ate them. I was really mad and sad. Then I asked my best friend Joey who he was and Joey said, " he is the strongest kindergarten student." Then I made a plan to table top him. When the end of the day came I was the most popular kindergartner in the school.

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